Opera Mini is a web browser designed specifically for mobile phones, and also for the PDA Phone and Smartphone. This web crawler using Java MIDP 2.0 platform / Java J2ME. Opera Mini is a free application, supported through a partnership between the developers, namely Opera Software, a free application Gamejump sites, web site Yahoo, and Google Search Engine.


Opera Mini from Opera web browser for personal computers, which have been available to the public since 1996. Opera Mini was originally designed for phones that have been able to connect or connected to the internet network. Opera Mini was first introduced on August 10, 2005 as a pilot project in cooperation with the Norwegian television station TV 2. So that at the time, Opera Mini is available to subscribers only TV 2


Latest Opera Mini has a feature not present in default browser is a mobile phone to upload files directly. Opera Mini is famous browsingnya speed is fast enough, usually faster than the phone default browser. Another advantage of Opera Mini is a relatively cheaper rate than the phone's default browser because Opera Mini can compress a page up to 90%. An attractive advantage is that can save web pages that are considered important or interesting by its users, and subsequently stored in a user selected folder on the phone memory or memory card. However, the weakness is not yet able to download applications directly so if you do, the user must exit the application and use the Opera Mini mobile phone default browser automatically. Opera Mini is also able to synchronize bookmarks, and quickly tap into your own account at the Opera Community .

Download original opera mini click here

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BeGe NdroID said...

Emang asik browsing pake opera mini modif. Copy paste nya itu loh. Keren thank agan udah posting tentang opera mini modif. Salam blogger

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