The History Of Handphone

There are many versions about the early history of the discovery of mobile phones in the world. At first, the first phone bulky and very difficult for users when taken. At least, there are two countries with considerable influence in the history of mobile discovery ii. First is the United States, and the second is Sweden. Later, the two countries struck by the appearance of the small Finnish giant.

In the telecommunications world, America and Europe can be said to have developed more advanced than other parts of the world. But the innovation of new mobile phones starting in 1947. At that time the researchers saw the opportunity the use of telecommunications radio frequency that can be used as media of communication.

Technological innovation is inseparable from the way the car phone in 1910 which was discovered by Lars Magnus Ericsson.

Man Sweden was none other than the founder of the telecommunications business we shall know by Ericsson (now Sony Ericsson). PreviousEricsson is a small company with a focus on the business of telegraph equipment.

Car phone and then also used by the Detroit Police Department Michigan in 1921. It was almost all the police cars are equipped with communications equipment that facilitates the movement monitoring apparatus. Operating systems using frequencies below 2 MHz.

Approximately 20 years later, the telecommunications revolution that is beginning. Along with the discovery of new components such as rolls of wire and tube triode, the researchers began to design a telecommunications device that can be used wirelessly. Especially when the small size of microprocessors and digital technology is found. With these components, the cost could ditekan.Di America itself, the new cellular technology was developed after World War II.

Cellular technology actually contain cells with a variety of models. Each cell has a base station with a beam in the range of 900 to 1800 MHz. From the base station is then transmitted to the coverage area that can reach tens of kilometers.

Seeing the use of radio technology gap, and then spurred many companies to do business in this field. In Scandinavia, Ericsson launched a telecommunications business to Stockholm once called the city with the most vigorous use of the phone.

Once the case with Finland. 1960, Finnis Cable Works, which was originally in the field of cable business to expand and establish an electronic division. Bjorn Westerlund, the president of the company two years later developed a radio transmission business. But it was only a year later, the telecommunications sector to strengthen the ranks of disabet electronic business. And in 1967, enterprising Westerlund who later founded the company we are familiar with the name Nokia.

Aka mobile phone mobile phone and then transformed into tools for people who have high mobility. 1970s, in Europe, Nokia and Ericsson was transformed into a large telecommunications company. In America, Motorola was the performance of teeth.

History of the phone "mobile" Speaking of mobile phone history, we can not be separated from the beginning of the discovery of radio by Marconi system. Mystery about radio waves also began dikuak by the people. Term limits and then made the radio. According to the U.S. General Services Administration, is defined as a telecommunications radio by modulation and radiation of electromagnetic waves. Therefore, needed the transmitter and receiver.

Meanwhile, telecommunications equipment are also introduced by Samuel Morse when they found the telegraph equipment. Later, the telegraph became the most successful businesses in delivering news, as well as work to replace a courier who was then dominated by the Pony Express.

Distance communication becomes faster and easier. Emitted signal does not pass through the atmosphere, but through the Earth and water, and without wires.

During the XIX century, radio-based technology continues to grow with new discoveries. New equipment was found. By the twentieth century, the initiators keep discovering new things. Year 1888, German scientist named Heinrich Hertz discovered the "trip" the wave that passes through the atmosphere. This discovery is considered quite revolutionary.

Especially when Ericsson in 1910 gave birth to a phone installed in the car. Just the movement of people easier. Fourteen years later, this technology has been applied to police cars and ambulances. The antenna is used not as simple now, even quite large in size. Communication system is still limited, with two Airways.

We can imagine a car that looked like a train communication equipment fitted dining places. After all, this is considered a big leap.

During the second world war, after experiencing many updates, mobile communication devices increasingly being used. World War II, noted how the effectiveness of communication through this tool.

Modern Era

Modern telecommunications era really only started in 1946. Telecommunication equipment not just for specific purposes. In America, the company AT & T and Southwestern Bell then introduces mobile radio telephone service to the laity. Channel used at that time only six at 150 MHz with a channel spacing of 60 kHz.

But it was only in 1969, the system is commercialized. After the year 1970, mobile telecommunications more frequently talked about. Motorola introduces mobile phone three years later. Indeed, quite large in size with a short antenna. There are also phone the size of a suitcase.

Dr Cooper, who became project manager for Motorola's innovations that put the base station in New York. For this project Motorola working with Bell Labs. This discovery at once claimed as the discovery of the first mobile phone. In the morning 3 April 1973, Cooper, when it served as general manager of Communications Systems Division of Motorola-odd demonstrate how to communicate from the terminal to try mobile phone portable.Dia 'raksasanya'sambil walk - the road in various locations in New York.Itulah first time displayed and used mobile phones in public "Remember, in the year 1973 there were no cordless phone that looks similar to the phone right now." I did a variety of calls, including across the street while calling into a radio reporter in New York, "she recalled, such as cited Celluler News.

Cooper seems to mention about-cordless home phone which can be brought roads - roads in a radius of several tens of meters, to emphasize how strange her (calling her street) in downtown New York.

In the show, Cooper's use of mobile phones weighing approximately 30 ounces (800 grams) or ten times higher than - average outstanding mobile capabilities of your time ini.Mengikuti demonstration in front of the public in 1973 was, in fact Cooper utnuk takes 10 years to make the equipment ditunjukkaannya that went into developing pasar.Teknologi terus.Ada many versions and variants developed technology vendors telekomunikasi.Sejak first generation mobile phone which is represented by the NMT (Nordic Mobile Telecommunications), AMPS (advanced mobile phone system) and CDMA (code division Multiple Access); then represented by a second generation GSM (global system for mobile communications) and CDMA One, then advancing again with GPRS (general packet radio service), EDGE, and UMTS and CDMA 2000 1X come to ketiga.Oleh generation, therefore, do not be surprised phones are included in the 25 discovery technologies that bring change for mankind.

To support the phone service of course requires an adequate system. In 1978, the Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) is found. AMPS was first operated in North America. Six months later, people became interested in the AMPS. After the success in America, AMPS also spread to the Asian mainland. Japan started in 1979. AMPS own "work" at 800 MHz. But for Japan itself is also known as JTACS.

Similar technological developments are also underway in Europe in 1981. First introduced the system is the Nordic Mobile Technology (NMT) in the range 450 MHz and includes the region of Finland, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian. Meanwhile in the UK who use the system with a Total Access Communication (TACS at 900 MHz range) only started in 1985.

Several European countries and then create a system with a different name. In Germany for example, is known as the C-Netz. In France there Radiocom 2000, Italy had a name RTMI / RTMS. Until Europe itself has a radio telephone system as much as nine units. Customers began to glance at many of the phone.

Mobile phone sales increased rapidly. In America, in the year 1985 recorded less than 204 000 customers, three years later increased almost eight-fold and its customers have reached 1.6 million.

Meanwhile, Ericsson is currently designing a small dimension ponselponsel. That way, people are more easily carried, unlike the old phone which is very large in size. Analog system was replaced with digital. Especially when in the 1980s and then slid the new system that we call the GSM.

Various companies also compete to create a phone with slim model and portability. Mobile phones in the early 1990s was new limited means of communication not unlike ordinary phone different than the PSTN. Now, the phone has been led into a multimedia telecommunications.

Sales even more powerful. Nokia even provides the phone with dozens of categories for different markets. This company now dominates the world of cellular telecommunications. In Europe the percentage of sales reached 53 percent, in Asia Pacific 23 percent, while in America 21 percent.

Data released by Sony Ericsson says that in 2002 reached 1.1 billion subscribers. This year is expected to climb to 1.3 billion subscribers. Well, now the phone is no longer a need for a secondary but has become a primary need when away from the original image found.

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