history of motorola

Motorola began in 1928, when Paul Galvin to start small businesses that make electronic products and components. The company grew rapidly in the 1940s when for the first time ulai make the car radio and then television. Pda 1947, Motorola's Galvin rename his company in accordance with their name used by his car radio. With the passage of time, and under the leadership of Robert Galvin, son of the founder of the company, Motorola has expanded its business in a wide variety of product areas and by 1980 had become one of the biggest electronics companies and most successful in the world. 

In early 1990, with a leadership team at its peak yan gbaru Motorola is the market leader in semiconductor, data communications and cellular phone technology. The company is also known for its quality, to win the U.S. Malcolm Baldrige The first National Quality Award in 1988. but in the mid 1990s, Motorola's decline that seems difficult to change. A series of managerial mistakes, a plan that is less mature, and bad luck have made the company suffered heavy losses - the company lost its superiority in the market, lost contact with its customers, and get into trouble as a result of product and service quality is bad. For one thing, Motorola far behind in the digital telephone technology and forced to abandon their position as market leader Nokia of Finland to the Group. Semiconductor market is also shifting, resulting in Motorola's semiconductor business in a weak position in new technologies and areas of potential new growth. Furthermore, because about 24 percent of the company's business tersbeut are in Asia, the monetary crisis that hit the continent Motorola also hit hard. Additionally, Iridium communications satellite system valued at $ 6 billion that was created, funded, and supported its development by the company, failed to fulfill its release date, failed to attract customers, and ultimately be declared bankrupt. In 1977, Motorola Dwan finally feel they have experienced quite a lot masaah. 
They fire the CEO of the company and put Christopher Galvin, grandson of company founder, at the top. Meanwhile, Galvin knew that the company is in a very bruruk, but he himself did not feel confident of where he should begin to helps to build back the company. By the end of 1997 and early 1998, the company has really reached a point basis and analysts remove the name of the company from the stock market and people began to wonder whether Galvin has the managerial skills together with his father and grandfather. However, at that Galvin has to know what to do and prepare himself and other top managers separately accept the harsh reality they face. In a period of several months, Galvin refocus the company on the strength of its core business, selling some operations that are not performing well and operations side. He also renewed Motorola's commitment to innovation and new product development and make marketing a top priority throughout the history of the company exceed previous. Sebgai part of this change, Galvin also change the organization of the company, eliminate hostility and dominance in the management group that has been going on for decades. 
Galvin also serves as a source of inspiration, powering the employees behind the company's revitalization efforts, and encouraging them to develop new ideas and dared to think in ways that are not conventional. However, he also had to make a serious decision when at one point he had to lay off 15,000 employees. And the result? Motorola has got up and once again become a leader in its industry. For example, the quality once again become a key word in Motorola, analysts promoting stocks Motorola and the company's products became the market leader again. But Galvin has not been completed. He himself said, "It's all a journey, not a destination." He plans to continuously update and develop the company to make it more effective. He has great vision about the future, a vision that is filled with products, technologies and new services are amazing. Dan Galvin saw the name 'Motorola' menghasi future technology landscape.

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